Virtual reality games make use of virtual 3D environments by displaying a set of 3D images on a computer screen so that the player feels like the game is happening in the real world. With the help of virtual reality software, virtual reality landscapes are produced and displayed in such a manner that they appear to the player as if they are in the actual world rather than on a computer screen. The goal is to allow the player to be immersed in the game as much as possible.
Virtual reality gaming was a dream of many gamers for as long as computer games, and particularly 3D games, have been around. Prior to the introduction of compact technologies, virtual reality gaming was carried out in projector rooms or on several screens with multiple screens. Conventional keyboard and mouse along with simple game controllers and motion capture technologies were used to control virtual reality gaming.
However, as technology has progressed, more complex and immersive devices have been available, elevating virtual reality gaming to an all new level. Examples of such technology include virtual reality headsets, displays that wrap around the gamer, and VR rooms integrated with a set of devices that one can wear as a dress. VR headsets however are the most popular gaming devices these days and the most popular ones include Oculus Quest, Microsoft Hololens, PlayStation VR, and Google Cardboard.
Modern virtual reality gaming makes use of smart equipment to gather input from the user. Used in conjunction with the headset, they make use of motion detecting controls and trackers. They also incorporate sensory elements such as smells and haptic devices to give feedback to the player. All of this is there to ensure that the player can interact with the virtual gaming environment with as real feel as possible.